Tuesday 9 October 2007

Claire's farewell party

To our tremendous sadness, Claire finally left Japan after her five years stint here. Since we own her so much, since she has been so popular among students, especially bunch of tired, smelly, and politically-incorrect middle-aged OYAJI men, and since we appreciate so many things that she has done for us, her farewell party seemed to become kind of hostess clubs at Romance Dori! Many people got together to say thank you to her at one night on late September. Because many people wanted to talk to her, I couldn't get enough time to have a chat with her, but hey, Claire! Again, thank you very much for everything you have done for us! You have been listening to my English since I started Nova nearly four years ago. I am not sure how much my English has improved over the course of those years, but thanks to your kindness, sincerity, and, your phenomenal perseverance against inappropriate remarks, we could really enjoy good time in your voice! Manabu is crying now! So are Toshifumi and I! But we also understand that it is time for you to move on now, So... no cry!
I wish from the bottom of my heart that your experience in Japan would be somehow helpful for your future! We will gossip about you some time at Nishi, and we are looking forward to seeing you some day. But now, see you again and good luck!

Oyaji-trio at Nishi

Sunday 7 October 2007

I am angry

Imagine the following situation. You live in a small apartment in Japan. It would be for five months or seven months or two years or more, but duration doesn't matter here. You have been a good resident. You have never delayed monthly rent fee at all. You have always paid it by a due date from your moderate monthly salary. Provably, you have caused small troubles for your neighbourhood in the past, either by making noise too loud or by throwing away your rubbish at wrong day a couple of times. But, you have never caused any serious problems. You have been an ordinary citizen as normal as your person living in next door.

Then, one day, a person from real estate company knocks on your doors, nervously smoking cigarettes as if he is trying to calm himself down for ensuing confrontation. He asks you to let him in your room apologetically, but you can tell that he is convinced that you don't have any choice but let him in in this situation. He may well saunter around the room for several moments, tapping the walls as thought inspecting them for damage. Then, he stops, turns around, and says to you, "You gotta be out within seven days".

How would you feel if this happened to you in reality? How do you think the person who got evicted like this would feel, if he or she is a foreigner who lives far away from his or her hometown and has difficulty in communicating with local people, let alone protesting to such a awful situation.

But this is exactly what has happened to some of Nova teachers today. One of the teacher showed me today a piece of paper he got from a real estate agency, which orders him to leave his apartment within seven days. He has never failed to pay his rent fee at all, but Nova couldn't pay it for his apartment. That is why. This situation is totally unacceptable. You can't force somebody to leave with only SEVEN days notification, even if you couldn't have paid your monthly fee. I have never felt such a strong anger toward Nova as I am now feeling in my four years student hood. And, I don't know much about real estate businesses or its procedures, but this is completely illegal. And if it is still legal to have law-abiding residents evicted within seven days, I don't give a shit with such a fucking laws!

While I was hearing this appalling story from a teacher, all I could do was just to listen to him and convey my sorry for him, hoping that this horrible experience in Japan would make him prepared for anything unexpected in the future, and that time would come someday when he can talk about this shitty situation with laughter in party talk.

Saturday 22 September 2007

See you again, A Blushing English Rose!

Today, I went to Narita Airport to send off one of my best friends. She was my private English teacher, and because we shared the same passion for great novelists, such as John Irving and Murakami Haruki, we talked lots about what we read at that moment. Oe Kenzaburo, Mishima Yukio, Endo Shusaku, Paul Auster, Noam Chomsky, etc, etc, etc... Actually, all the books I posted on this blog were the books she recommended to me. I have never met someone who has read as many books as her. To use Japanese expression, she is a worm of books. During our conversation, I was always impressed with her insatiable curiosity, which ranges from documentary on warfare and African countries history to surrealistic Japanese novels and New York Times best-sellers. I grew fond of hearing what she was reading or what she made of. She always asked me, "Why do you think so?" or "What do you make of it?", when we were talking about books. Because I am a feeler, rather than a thinker, I always had difficulty in answering to those questions, to be honest. More often than not, I got stuck in the middle of sentences in front of her, realizing that I hadn't thought about the subject deeply enough. I am pretty sure that she was sometimes frustrated with my simple answers or sitting-on-the-fence attitude, but she rarely showed her tedium, rather successfully making me feel as if I am the funniest person on the surface on this planet. To put it simply, she can listen to others carefully and patiently.

Now, she and her boyfriend are going to go to Ghana for volunteer work. They are going to teach English to local people. It would be hard and touch, but I am certain that their experience in Africa would be valuable for their future. And also, I am definitely sure that they would make a difference to people there, as she did it to me in Japan.

When I sent them off at Narita Airport, I cried(a bit), and I was so confused that I couldn't say "Take care!" nor "Thank you". But, Helen. I am really grateful to you for everything you have done for me! The time I spent with you was one of the most meaningful events of my life. I have learned so many things through your patience, honesty and kindness. I wish I could give something back to you!

When I have a time to part with somebody who is very important to me, I always recall lines from "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens.

I have stood aside to see the phantoms of those days go by me. They are gone, and I resume the journey of my story.

Hey, Helen and Kentaro! I wish from the bottom of my heart the prosperous journey of your life!!!
I am looking forward to seeing you again soon. But now,
Take care and Good Luck!!!

Thursday 20 September 2007

Who is the one irresponsible?

I guess Prime Minister Mr. Abe is now wondering in his bed where he got it wrong. As a promising politician coming from a patrician family, he had been lionized as a desiable figure during Koizumi premiership; a young, determined, and hawkish statesman who can appeal to a wide range of voters. His popularity culminated in abduction issues. As a secretary-general of Koizumi government, he has been said to have taken a strong leadership to deal with North Korea. His tough stances and harsh remarks toward North Korea, combined with his nationalistic romanticism toward Japanese uniqueness, were highly applauded not only by conservative newspapers and patriotic students, but also by tired salary-men whose only subscribing magazines are comic-books and innocent house-wives in voice room. So, when Mr. Koizumi resigned, he was widely welcomed as his successor, with an approving rate over 70%.

After less than one year in power, he suddenly threw up all his responsibilities and called it a day. To be sure, his premiership has been tainted with lots of disgraces. Four or five cabinet ministers were forced to resign due to political funds scandals. However, his party’s colossal defeat at Upper House election this summer resulted largely from economic policies of Koizumi reforms, such as taxation reforms, which now have directly hit elderly people or pensioners. A fiasco surrounding pension system, where as many as 50 millions payments records have been somehow erased or lost and allegedly there are countless people who got paid or would get paid their pension less than they are entitled to, is not a problem which has begun just recently. There has been a wide range gap between the have and the have-not for over the past ten years, which again has aggravated by Koizumi-reform under the banner of “Short-time pain for long-time gain”. His stance toward North Korea has been always hawkish and unyielding. He has been always pompous and nationalistic both before and after he became prime minister. He has been as drab and as dour as he used to be when he delivers his speeches. So, what is the cause of his sudden downfall?

After all, I think that he was just used as one of leading characters in our political theatre on mass media. When abduction issues arose five years ago, he was presented before us as a strong-willed politician who can stand up to “rogue country”. No date passed when news media didn't report his sustained efforts to get abducted Japanese back. When we were in clutch, we needed someone strong. Now that negotiation with North Korea has been in deadlock, and now that focal point in Diet has shifted from Abduction issue to more domestic one such as pension or salary gap between the have and the have-not, Mr. Abe is no longer newsworthy unless he can offer another charm.

What was that zeal which people showed when Abe came in town a year ago? Where are those words such as “Prince” or “Young thoroughbred” which we threw at him? Now if you read any newspaper or magazine, you would see any kind of virulent smear, such as “Coward”, “Chicken”, “Spoiled child”, “Irresponsible nincompoop”, “Arsehole”, “Guy who is incredibly overestimated and has no magnanimity for Prime Minister from the beginning”, virtually as imaginable vindictive as possible, you name it. True, he is to blame for his failure to keep his health, which is the first priority and responsibility not only as Prime Minister, but also as a member of any kind of organization. But bashing Abe with such vicious words is absolutely hypocritical given their past unlimited treatment to him. Those same media or critics who used to acclaim or even adulate is shamelessly attacking with malicious comments. Such a hypocrisy!

As some of you guys know it, I couldn't disagree more with almost all Abe’s policies. However, Japanese media’s overnight turnaround against Abe is totally going too far. Unless there would be no serious reviews for the past reportage regarding the former Prime Minister, we would be unwittingly made believe another “Prince” or another “Messiah” by these irresponsible mass media. That phenomenon is what I dread most.

Saturday 15 September 2007

Who is our next Prime Minister?

Now that Abe-chan has gone, everybody is talking about who's the next. I don't know much about politics, and I am not interested in politics so much, so I don't have any concrete idea regarding our next top politician. But I think it's wonderful thing if we had Prime Minister whose name sounds quite similar to often-used swear word.

I don't think that Mr. Asou is arsehole, but unfortunately I imagine that everyone assumes he is arsehole. If he was chosen as our Prime Minister, he would go to the general assembly of United Nations or G-8 summit or APEC or whichever. He would meet President Bush or Putin or other heads of states. And in that situation, he must be introduced to lots of bigwigs and audience from all over the world, "Here is Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Asou!!!". And then, people would question to themselves whether what they heard now is arsehole or not, or they would assume if Mr. Asou is actually arsehole or not, even though they are sure that Mr. Asou is not arsehole, because they know that arseholes can't be elected as Prime Minister usually. Or, maybe that announcer is not sure how to pronounce Japanese name so he or she would say, "Mr. Arsehole", and then, Mr.Asou would approach over him or her and correct their mistake, saying "I am not an arsehole!", then people at present would realize that he is not an arsehole because he is Mr. Asou. And, Who want to attack a country whose head of state is called Arsehole? Even some countries hostile to Japan would find it funny and comfortable, forgetting their hatred toward Japan and throwing away their AK-47 because they are busy with imagining if they had top leader named Arsehole in their totalitarian regime.

Prime Minister hopeful Mr. ASOU

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Typhoon No.9

The other day, typhoon No.9 directly hit Tokyo(We numbered each typhoon in sequence, rather than naming like U.S. So, this typhoon was actually the ninth which was born in East Asia). As civil servants, when flood or other kinds of disaster would be expected to happen, we stay at our office overnight on vigil to make sure that we could react as soon as possible in case of emergency.

I was picked as a member of night vigil this time, so I was dispatched to one of local community centre, which could become local evacuation centre if people in neighbourhood were forced to flee in case of flood. During terrible storm and occasional strong rain, I patrolled around close area with flash light and map, checking whether fallen trees clog traffic on the streets or there is power-line that is cut off.

Fortunately, typhoon No.9 didn't cause any flood nor accident at all in Nakano-ku. After night vigil was over and we were dismissed, I got lipton tea in the morning, which was the best tea I have drunken for ages. And, unbelievably, we changed clothes and went back to each section, and started working normally as if nothing had happened at all. They didn't give us swapping day-off and expected us to work usually. The principle being, Get day-off if you are tired. It sucks!!!! So, I took half-day off, and went to Voice room...

Sunday 9 September 2007

the funniest man I have ever seen

Here is the funniest man on the surfice of this planet!
so, my japanese friends, have a gander!

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Another war book

When a Japanese who studies English reads an English book, he will face a lot of difficulties. Vocabulary and unknown idiom are of course one of the biggest problems among them. Although people would stress a necessity to guess unknown words from context, after all, you wouldn’t have any clue about what you can guess if you don’t know half of words in a sentence. Then, even though you could overcome this primary problem, another headache is waiting for you: name.

It is very difficult to remember names of people or names of towns in another language. Because I have been exposed to English-speaking cultures through my study or friends, English names are getting familiar to me. However, when I try to read different cultures in English, I would feel as if I became a foreigner who is at a loss where to go at the basement of Shinjuku station. Encountering a name such as “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad”, my brain is always stuck. “Jeeess. How is it pronounced?”

For a month, I have struggled to read a book about the Bosnian War. On top of vocabulary and name problems, complexity of the way and the author’s peculiar writing-style, (he tends to depict final scenes at first in each chapter and then amplify the processes which lead to those culminations mentioned earlier), make the book one of the most difficult books I have ever read. But, I couldn’t help but read one page after another, sometimes going back to the first page again and again, due to the compelling tales which the author saw or felt.

I have to admit now how little I knew or pretended to know about the war. My broad picture of this conflict was, it was a war between the Serbs and a Muslims-Croats coalition. Serbs who wanted to create a Greater Serbia out of the swathes left by the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Muslims-Croats who wanted to live in a multi-denominational secular Bosnia. But actually, Croatians and Muslims fought with each other in some stage of the war. There was a mention of the coalition between Serbs and Croatian against Bosnian Muslims. Muslims who are loyal to multi-national force in Sarajevo and those who believe fundamental religious ideology. There are references to the history also. Cetniks, Ustasa, Ottoman empire. Yoship Tito, Ante Pavelic, and Milosevic. All mixed up, I nearly snapped.

This is the book about the author’s experiences in Bosnia and Chechnya during the wars in late nineties. At first, he is presented as a fledgling journalist who just graduated university and couldn't find any decent job. Bored with daily tedium and starving for excitements, this guy walked into battlefields under the guise of journalism. It seemed at first that to go to wars is no more than to go to clubs for this unemployed English man. But as the story goes on, you will find that this guy is preordained to go to wars, destined even before he started having his own ideas about wars. Coming from the family with a history of legendary soldiers, he is a born war-correspondent or war-witness or war-by-stander or whatever status you would think.

I was really captivated with his change as the story goes on. At the beginning, he had the value not to kill anyone without reasons. There were times when he pondered the reason why he was in their war, not his war, sticking nose into other’s tragedy. And there were times when he was agonized with dilemma between politeness and safety, whether he should show some decency not to embarrass local people at the risk of his life or he should just run away. But soon enough, those morality or consideration were blown up into millions of pieces and replaced by description of battlefields. His identity problem just came down to how to deceive the authority, rather than some introspective question. Transforming from a trainee journalist to a seasoned cameraman, he started looking in from the outside, rather than looking out from the inside. Incredibly horrendous scenes, the complex nature of the war, his drug problem, his family estrangement, his honest description of the situations, I was capitalized with those things in this book.

a trace of struggle...

Tuesday 21 August 2007

There is a face, next muffin.

One of the essences of "Owarai", comedy-shows in English, I think, is "Ma", a pause in English. You can either spoil or upgrade your story, depending upon the timing of your pause. This guy definitely knows that timing perfectly.

"There is a face, next muffin. There is a face, next muffin. There is a face.....next muffin".

I forgot exact sketch, but I remember seeing exactly the same type of comedy skit on Japanese TV show. All that the comedian was saying were repetitive phrases again and again. But, changing the tone or duration of phrase, he made a hiralious sketch of daily scene. Who was that? A pause must be a universal key to the comedy show.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

My fellow what?

This is a sketch from British TV show, "DeadRingers".
Dead ringer means someone who bears resemblance to somebody.
As you know, he impersonates Mr.President, but he said like...

"My fellow ostriches!"
"Today has been a great day in the war on terry hatcher!"
"Alqua pow wow brought death and destructification to Iraq on a massive snail."
"The threats opposed by his detergents is vanished."


Tuesday 14 August 2007

Japanese English?

This is a part of a variety show named "Gaki no tsukai", presented by a popular comedy duo DOWNTOWN. This sketch's idea is that they can't laugh no matter what. If they laughed, then they would be hit on their bottoms.

Again, there is no political satire, nor scintillating comment, which you would be amazed with. What you would see here is just silliness almost borderlining meaningless. But anyway, it's funny.

The guy with shaved head is Matsumoto, the member of DOWNTOWN. He has claimed that he is a comedy genius with the sense of humour second to none. Apparently people here agree with that and his TV programs always get high rating. I am not sure whether he is actually "a genius" or not, but I admit that his comedy sense is edgy and that he has come up with bloody funny sketches and dialogues which nobody could think upon. If I have a chance, I will upload those later.

Although people in Japan are quite famous for its difficulty with English, I don't think that our English is as bad as Jimmy's...

Sunday 12 August 2007

What's up? and Ossan?

Sometimes we talk about sense of humour of each countries in voice room. (Actually, more often than not, it is ME who directs the course of conversation to that point, because I like comedies.) It has been said that the essence of British comedies is more of subtle, whereas America's is more obvious, kind of slapstick type. And we are often asked about what Japanese comedy is.

Although there are variety kinds of comedies here, I would say that we love stupidity or silliness in general, at least as for me. Stupidity almost borderlining meaninglessness is what you feel through those silly TV programs. Definitely not intelligent, nor productive, but quite difficult for you to come up with by yourself.

The following is one corner of so-called variety show "Tamori Club", named "Sora-mimi hour"(literally translated "Mishearing hour"). This TV program is not so tremendously popular, but it has been on air for more than 25 years. I believe that almost all Japanese men are initiated by this midnight show in their late teen-age in some way or another.

The idea is just to laugh at foreign songs which miraculously sound Japanese sentences irrelevant to real lyrics.

Actual lyrics goes,
"Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, What's up? What's up? What's up, Girl? What's up? Crazy for another one".
But for Japanese, it sounds,
"Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo, Ossan (middle-aged man), Ossan, Ossan, Ossan". "Eeehh, Jibun da to omou (I think it's you)".

That's it. There is no meaning, no satire, and no intelligence. But I think it's bloody funny. What do you make of it?

Thursday 9 August 2007

Mishima Yukio and English

I was really astounded to know that Mishima Yukio had a good command of English, English with slight English accent. As long as I know of Mishima, I have never heard that he had lived in foreign countries. As some of you guys know it, he was famous for his extremely nationalistic ideas. It seemed to me that all the interests he possessed at the time were Japanese culture and tradition, our Royal Family, Bushido stuff, and the like. So it is very surprising that he could speak almost perfect English at the time when there were neither so many English speaking materials or Nova.

Although I can't agree with his political views and his novels are not my cup of tea, I think that he was one of the most intelligent and the most interesting man back then. He was said that he loved to read Jean Cocteau and Oscar Wild at the age of fifteen. Unless you are either genious or crazy, how can you enjoy those authores at as early as that age?

Tuesday 7 August 2007

The book I finished recently

Our Prime Minister Abe loves patriotism. He proclaims that his pivotal task as Prime Minister is to get back sound patriotism and to nurture sound Japanese children with proper respect for our ancestors. Many politicians of Liberal Democratic Party, which he leads as a chairman, denounces our history classes at schools as twisted, sadistic interpretation of history with malicious intention to humiliate our respectable forebears.

If I am not mistaken, although Ex-Prime Minister Mr. Koizumi has been demonized in China and South Korea because of his visits to Yasukuni Shrine, he admits that the war half a century ago was the war of aggression by Japanese military. He also expressed his apology for the victims and pledged that Japan will never repeat aggressive past. I think that what made Mr. Koizumi pay visit to the Shrine every year was his true condolence with the victimized and his respect for the departed, whether they were war-criminals or not. But as for Abe who promised during campaign for his premiership that he visits the shrine once he become Prime Minister and has mysteriously steered clear of it so far, he professes that that war was no less than war of emancipation of Asia by Japan and that we should be proud of it. Legion of Conservative politicians now started spouting that Japanese annexation policy largely contributes to current development in South Korea. Some of them even claim that good things which we have done outweighed bad things which we have done in those areas. Denial of any involvement by Japanese Imperial Armies with sax slaves during the World War Ⅱand the textbook screening to downplay Armies responsibility for coerced mass suicides in Okinawa are a corollary, resulted from this kind of self-centered romanticism and justification.

After I read this compelling book about war, I strengthen my conviction that I now see national myths in the making. In this book, the author warns of potency of myths in times of wars and how those myths work. Myths regarding the creation of the nation. Myths that our purity or our culture is under threat. Myths that we are the only and sole victims. He argues that national myths are crucial to bolster the society in time of crisis and that they are essential to entice the soldiers into the battlefields and to justify the horrible sacrifices required in war.

When Conservative politicians try to romanticize the past and indoctrinate chauvinistic patriotism to us, our ancestral soldiers are usually presented as heroes; heroes who bravely fought enemies and were willing to sacrifice their own lives for “higher” purposes. From the author’s point of view, this is a very attempt to create potent myths about Japanese by idealizing Japanese soldiers en masse. Although personal histories of each soldier are sometimes mentioned, these jingoes tend to talk about background stories in order to bolster their emphasis on soldier's love for country and intrepid spirits, rather than their hesitations and fear which I am definitely sure they must have felt in battlefields. War must be messy. Frontline must be confusing. Brutality must be unspeakable. There must be soldiers who weep or vomit due to fear. But these aspects of war are wiped out, replaced by lofty words such as honour, duty, and glory. They tend to embellish people’s death in the name of heroism. Is that true patriotism?

I am very impressed with the author’s acumen as well as his honesty. While he depicts his horrible experiences in a various wars and denounces national myths which drive us to commit heinous acts, he points out the addictive nature of war, which I think leads him to choose the title of the book. War as a force which gives us purpose, meaning, and a reason for living. He talks about the intensity of lives during war, which allows us to be noble. But he also adds that it seems “very stupid once the war ended”. What makes this book extremely interesting is I think his honest attitude toward what he saw. He writes what he thought and what he felt, rather than what he should have thought and what he should have felt. While he argues that all the society and all the people are never immune to national myths, it sounds to me that he is completely immune from these traps. I think that it’s because he doesn’t have any root to any battlegrounds or any societies and he could be always an outsider whom doesn’t have to carry any responsibility for where you are living.

I feel sorry for many ancestors who were sent to the war and put in extreme situations. When I am reading about their hardships during the war, I can’t help feeling sorrowful for them and thinking about deaths on which today’s prosperity is there. However, I think that the mention of the dead should not instantly blot out negative aspects of the past nor immediately shut down all arguments for tolerance for the other. It seems to me that we are heading for the society where there is no middle ground, as Mr. President of that big country said, “Either you are with us, or with terrorists” or something like that. In the introduction of this book, the author cited an insightful quote by Hannah Arendt.

“The principle of the movement is whoever is not included is excluded, whoever is not with me is against me, so the world loses all the nuances and pluralistic aspects that have become too confusing for the mass”.

In a society where facts are talked as if they are interchangeable as opinions, I think we should be careful of what we are talking about and what we are taught. I am definitely positive that this book gives us incisive views.

I tried to be logical and consistent at first, but it seems now quite wordy, rambling, and incongruous. I don’t think it is due to my English, rather my writing ability. I can’t escape from my digressive tendency. I am now very very knackered, and next post will be or should be much lighter one. Anyway, thank you if you could read all this.

Sunday 5 August 2007


Although its popularity is declining recently, the national championship of high school baseball is still a big event here. During about two weeks, all the matches are broadcasted nationwide by NHK and the results embellish next day's newspapers and magazines. 49 high school representatives of each prefectures get together at Koshien stadium, which is considered the holy place among high school baseball players, and play games to the victory. Because they are armatures, it can't be predictable(a polite way to say "thier skills are bad, kind of), and sometimes something so dramatic possibly happens.

Championship is held in the middle of August, around the time of "Obon" in Japan when people usually go to their hometowns and spend time with their family and relatives. To cheer the team of your prefectual representative eating ice cream with a fan at one hand with your family is a typical picture of Japanese summer, I am now sure how many people are actually practicing this though.

The YouTube link is a footage when Matsuzaka won the championship ten years ago. At the time, he was nicknamed as a "Monster" and actually he did the trick. Thinking that he is now playing for Boston Redsocks, I can't help wondering how further he have gone from here.

This year's championship will start from 7th August. So if you have a spare time, why don't you experience real Japanese summer in front of your telly?

Friday 3 August 2007

The Foggy Dew

I have got lots of lots of imaginary requests for The Foggy Dew lyrics from you guys so I post it now. Let's memorize it and try at next Karaoke time! (but before that, let's study about Easter uprising of 1916,too.)

As down the glen one Easter morn to a city fair rode I
There Armed lines of marching men in squadrons passed me by
No fife did hum nor battle drum did sound it's dread tatoo
But the Angelus bell o'er the Liffey swell rang out through the foggy dew

Right proudly high over Dublin Town they hung out the flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky than at Sulva or Sud El Bar
And from the plains of Royal Meath strong men came hurrying through
While Britannia's Huns, with their long range guns sailed in through the foggy dew

'Twas England bade our Wild Geese go that small nations might be free
But their lonely graves are by Sulva's waves or the shore of the Great North Sea
Oh, had they died by Pearse's side or fought with Cathal Brugha
Their names we will keep where the fenians sleep 'neath the shroud of the foggy dew

But the bravest fell, and the requiem bell rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Eastertide in the springing of the year
And the world did gaze, in deep amaze, at those fearless men, but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light might shine through the foggy dew

Ah, back through the glen I rode again and my heart with grief was sore
For I parted then with valiant men whom I never shall see more
But to and fro in my dreams I go and I'd kneel and pray for you,
For slavery fled, O glorious dead, When you fell in the foggy dew.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Do you know how much dem are?

This is the toughest. I think he says "Come on! Come on!", which sounds to me "Comen! Comen!". "DERRE are a penny. DERRE are TREE for a penny" "DAT a penny".

I couldn't hear exactly what he said, but I like it when he whispered, "Jeesus, you make my something". Does somebody know what he said at 1:27?

Saturday 28 July 2007

Why I love Ireland 3

When I heard this song first time, I realized how much I missed this emerald country. Sinead O'Conner's mournful, but inspiring voice always evokes ceaselessly changing Irish skies in my heart. I imagine that I am standing in the subtle, gentle sunshine, which reflects on the morning dew in the hazy green. I feel as if I could see the eternity in a fraction of a second.

Thursday 26 July 2007

Why I love Ireland 2

There is one more. My Irish friend let me know this.

"We don't even know what a fuck pillage is!"

"How did we reactas a people to 800 years of tyranny? We went over there looking for work."


Tuesday 24 July 2007

Why I love Ireland

You can see why I love Ireland through this funny video.

"Firstly, proud of something we don't understand. I am an Irish!. Woowww!! What does that mean? WWAAAAAAAA!!!! Me is not a fucking English!! That's what that means!!!".

Until 7;00, I manage to understand what Tommy is saying (or Tommy seems to be saying more precisely), but after that, it's too difficult for me to catch his words...

How about you?

Sunday 22 July 2007

Belfast, The city of the Titanic and George Best

With Clare

Belfast is under large-scale redevelopment. At the Odyssey complex.

The harbour where The Titanic was built

The City Hall

Look up in the sky,and you know where you are.

At Shankill road

At Falls road

A family feeding geese at Enniskillen

Surely people had lived here...

At Enniskillen

Irish Breakfast

Thursday 19 July 2007

Ireland, again.

I went on holidays to Ireland and Northern Ireland this week.This is seventh time for me to go there.(I thought that this is the eighth, but actually, seventh.)

People often ask me, "Why do you like Ireland so much?" or "Why you go there so many times?" or more directly "Why Ireland?".This is seemingly easy,but at the same time, very complicated question to answer, because it's largely related to my personality or world views.The following pictures are one of my answeres to those questions. I hope you could feel what I feel for there. To make a long story short, it's so beautiful!

I went to Northern Ireland and took good pictures too. I'll upload those later when I could sort out what I thought or felt there.

Where the streets have no name...
A boy who is selling goods in the Alan Islands
Road to Dun Aonghasa(ancient fort and cliffs)

In the memory of the Potato Famine

But I still haven't found what I am looking for...

Sunday 8 July 2007

Second round of Eiken Test

Today, I went to Kanda to take the second round of Eiken Test, the first grade of English Proficiency Test. Because I didn’t prepare anything special for it, I was a bit nervous for this interview test. I knew that I would be asked to deliver a two-minutes speech after one-minute preparation. I also knew that topics are usually related to current affaires. But, two minutes for speech is sometimes felt as if it is eternal, and sometime as if it is just a couple of seconds, so I marched up to Kanda Foreign language University, wishing that my topic would be easy question, at least not difficult one such as “Tell us about how to use AK-47”, or “Briefly describe copulation of hippopotamus”.

When I came in the interview room, there were two interviewers sitting in front of me with enigmatic smile. One was Japanese lady, and another was apparently native English speaker. At first, they asked me to introduce myself briefly. And then, I was asked to flip over a piece of green paper on the desk. There were five questions on the sheet. As long as I remember, one of them was, “What impact will the declining birth rate have on Japanese society?” or something like that. Another one was, “Will increasing indifference of Japanese young people to politics be serious problem?” But, the question that I chose was, “Is patrol by civilian neighborhood effective to lesson the number of crimes?” I chose this question because I am familiar with this matter as a civil servant.

To be honest, I think that my speech was a bit messy. I couldn’t be finished with it when timer went off. But I believe that I could present my opinion briefly and point out reasons why I though so. I could deal with Q & A time after the speech without any fatal gaffe, and even enjoyed conversation with interviewers. Indeed, interview itself is usually a stressful situation, but I often attend Nova Voice room, where sometimes descends into awkward pandemonium. So, I might well be trained unwittingly with this kind of situation, maybe.

I will get the result by July, 27. I shouldn’t be overconfident, but I think that I made it, unless those serious-looking interviewers were offended with my outrageous T-shirt.

Thursday 5 July 2007

A relax day

A T-shirt in my hometown.