Thursday 12 April 2007

"We are very regretful..."

Today, I got another letter from the company which I applied for job.
“We are very regretful to notify you of…”. Five sec garbage bin.

I used to work for personnel department of School Board, being responsible for recruitment. So I know that sometimes decision of who is hired and who failed is quite arbitrary. Still, it is very disappointing to be declined by somebody, regardless by lady whom you asked out or company that you applied. It is as if I am said that there is no room for someone like me in highly competitive zero-sum world. Today is not a good day.


Anonymous said...

It's difficult for me to judge the Japanese company system as I don't think Nova counts as a traditional Japanese work place, certainly from the perspective of a Western employee anyway, but...

...the impression I get is that far too many companies just want robots, cogs in a machine.

I'm gobasmacked sometimes at the way companies treat employees, and how qualities such as experience, talent, flair, originality, diversity, etc, etc, are not only not rewarded, but often treated like flaws.

Seriously, in any other country companies would be clamouring to employ you. Here, though, it seems only inexperienced, but fresh and malleable university graduates are desirable employees. Try as I might, I can't get my head aroud this.

Dan said...

Ganbaru! Nantoka naru so! Ja ne, Dan yori.